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Norton  |  SKU : EKK-301889318

Norton Pro Confort Side-Pull


Colour: Havana

The Norton Pro Confort Side-Pull combines the comfort of a halter with the precision of a bridle.

With its Y-shaped uprights, the bridle without bit allows a precise action on the horse's nose and guarantees a controlled riding while preserving the horse's mouth.

The Norton Pro Confort Side-Pull is recommended for horses with an injured or sensitive mouth, young horses or horses with a tendency to become hooded. Its wide noseband distributes the pressure on the horse's nose for more comfort and is suitable for an inexperienced rider.

To optimise its use, the noseband should be fixed and located approximately 5 cm above the corners of the nose and 5 cm below the zygomatic processes. (instructions to be adapted according to the morphology of each horse).

Elegant, the Norton Pro Confort Side-Pull has white stitching that contrasts with its black or havana leather.

Made of buffalo leather, its noseband and browband are lined with cowhide leather for more suppleness. The Norton Pro Confort Side-Pull is sold without reins.

Delivery and Shipping

Nombre del Servicio Costo
DHL Express en todo el mundo $ 45,000.00 ARS
DHL Express en todo el mundo GRATIS Para pedidos de más de $ 400,000.00 ARS


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